Vodič za kupovinu digitalnog fotoaparata
Vjerojatno najučestalije pitanje među početnicima amaterima je ”koji fotić kupiti”. Iako je danas većina pametnih telefona opremljena vrhunskom optikom i ima mogućnost proizvesti odlične fotke, ako volite fotografiju, kad-tad ćete se odlučiti za kupovinu moćnijeg stroja koji će vam omogućiti krajnje eksperimentiranje i ultimativnu kreativnost.
Iako smo već pisali o tome kako možete biti kreativni i sa svojim telefonom i malo boljom photo aplikacijom, danas ćemo se ipak više usmjeriti na odabir fotića i na sve o čemu trebate voditi računa prilikom kupnje. Krenimo redom.
Prije svega morate znati da fotoaparate dijelimo na kompaktne, „prosumer” , "mirror less" i SLR fotoaparate.
Kompakti su početna klasa fotoaparata. Maleni su, praktični i prenosivi, a uglavnom imaju predefinirane postavke tako da se ne morate mučiti s mjerenjem svjetline, fokusom, ”white balansom” i ekspozicijom.
Zbog svoje prihvatljive cijene najviše privlače početnike amatere. Dobra je stvar što u ovoj kategoriji postoje i vrhunski fotoaparati, doduše malo skuplji koji nude manualne postavke pomoću kojih je sloboda u eksperimentiranju znatno proširena. Ako svojim fotoaparatom želite bilježiti lijepe životne trenutke i ne težite profesionalnijem pristupu onda je ovo fotoaparat za vas. Ako želite fotkati sportske utakmice, neku akciju ili noćne scene, onda ćete morati preskočiti na višu razinu. E sada, koji kompakt kupiti? Na tržištu ih je mali milijun, a razlika među njima nekada može biti minimalna. Svakako kada kupujete, odaberite nekoliko modela i pitajte prodavača po čemu se točno razlikuju i je li zbog te razlike i cijena fotića skuplja.
Za klasu napredniji od kompakta slijede ”prosumer” fotoaparati ili aparati za napredne amatere.
Oni imaju ručne postavke i pregršt drugih opcija, ali su ograničeni fiksnim objektivom. Na svu sreću u posljednje vrijeme su se na tržištu pojavili i tzv. kompaktni aparati s izmjenjivim objektivom. Idealni su za dokumentarnu fotografiju jer zbog malih dimenzija ne privlače toliko pažnje. A i može ih se pronaći po jako dobrim cijenama.
Unazad nekoliko godina posebno su popularni "Mirrorless" uređaji.
Oni su svojevrsna prijelazna kategorija između kompakta i SLR-ova. Njihovo kućište i dalje je dovoljno malo i kompaktno pa ga možete spremiti i u džep. Senzor je kod ovakvih modela veći nego kod onih koje nalazimo u kompaktima pa snima neusporedivo bolje fotografije, a za razliku od DSLR modela ispred njega se ne nalazi sustav s ogledalom pa sliku može izoštriti i snimiti znatno brže od svih fotoaparata, gotovo trenutno.
Na kraju, ako imate višak živaca, ali i višak kilograma za dodatni teret na leđima, onda dolazimo do DSLR fotoaparata.
Ako još uvijek čitate, kompakti vas vjerojatno ne zanimaju. Ovdje je riječ o klasi koju preferiraju i koriste profesionalci. Još uvijek ste tu?
Oni imaju neograničene mogućnosti, snimaju u RAW formatu gdje nema gubitaka u kvaliteti slike, a i za njih vam je najčešće potreban čitav set objektiva. Za ovu vrstu fotoaparata potrebno je određeno predznanje i bio bi grijeh ovakav uređaj dati u ruke početniku. O kupnji fotića iz ove klase morate jako dobro razmisliti, ali se i prije toga dobro pripremiti na ono što vas čeka. Na svu sreću Internet je pun informacijama pa se možete sami educirati.
Zaključak: ako kupujete fotić za kućnu upotrebu, ciljajte na kompakte.
Ako ste malo napredniji amater bazirajte se na skupljim kompaktima ili ultrazoom fotoaparatima. I na kraju, ako ste željni ozbiljnog fotografiranja razmotrite DSLR, ali uzmite u obzir troškove i predznanje koje će vam trebati. Prije kupnje pročitajte specijalizirane forume i razgovarajte s profesionalcima.
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Compresses are applied to wet or oozing lesions, removed, remoistened, and reapplied every few minutes for a 20- to 30-min period. Adaptation to the host has taken a number of forms: loss of locomotor organelles in the protozoan Sporozoa; partial and complete lack of digestive systems in the trematodes and cestodes, respectively; elaboration of proteolytic enzymes to penetrate the host intestinal mucosa by Entamoeba histolytica; the cercariae of the blood fluke that penetrate the skin of the host by elaborate enzymes; and, finally, the ability to infect an intermediate host to increase reproductive capacity, as seen among the cestodes and trematodes. Hypersensitivity or allergy-like reactions have been observed with paclitaxel and docetaxel in as many as 34% of patients. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n79.html?hart.zoloft.keppra The demographics and health characteristics of persons age 65 to 74 years differ from those of persons 85 years of age and older, as do those of persons who are institutionalized compared with those living in the community. Compared to males, females presented with symptoms earlier but had a significantly higher survival rate. A study of patients who developed elevated liver enzymes (defined as at least 2.5 times upper normal) or jaundice found that 29 out of 41 (70%) of these patients were slow acetylators. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n55.html?clavulanate.omeprazole.yasmin However, the serum creatinine value had increased to 2.5 mg/dL (221 Ојmol/L). Cysticercosis is considered a neglected parasitic infection by the CDC. Within the context of pharmacogenetics, however, testing involves searching for genetic variations linked to drug efficacy or toxicity rather than to disease susceptibility. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n124.html?dulcolax.zantac.keflex One important advantage of this method is its ability to measure ERPF in total or for each kidney independently, as well as its ability to produce renal images. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, commonly prescribed as oral contraceptives, can stimulate lactotroph growth to promote prolactin secretion and have been implicated in drug-induced hyperprolactinemia. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n108.html?viagra.zumo.trip Based on a systematic review of 71 patients, the risk of subsequent angioedema after switching to an ARB was 9.4% for possible cases and 3.5% for confirmed cases. All patients receiving opioids for the management of pain or dyspnea should receive prophylactic stimulant laxatives to prevent opioid-induced constipation. This raised the specter of a bioterrorism threat with weaponized anthrax. https://lightning-dmxcontrol.com/stmap_415n81.html?tryptophan.pentoxifylline.diclofenac Once detected, a battery of testing can be performed rapidly that shortens the reporting time and that enables clinicians to obtain preliminary information about the organism. An emerging public health threat, the first known case of MERS was documented in 2012 in a patient residing in Saudi Arabia. The contribution of CYP-mediated metabolism of valproic acid is more important in children than in adults.
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Individuals with asthma, by definition, have hyperresponsive airways. HJ was prescribed vancomycin 1,200 mg every 48 hours (infused over 1 hour) for the treatment of a surgical wound infection. Patients should also be monitored for the potential development of complications such as rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury, or seizures. elavil.luvox.glumetza This chapter focuses on the two most common types of chronic leukemia, CML, and CLL. A social history contains educational and occupational background; religion; marital status; substance-use, including tobacco, caffeine, illicit drugs, and alcohol; and current living situation. verelan.mentax.levonorgestrel Kidney cancer is most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 70 years, with a peak in the sixth and seventh decades of life. A history of thymic dysfunction is now also regarded as a contraindication due to an apparent association with YEL-AVD. hydrea.bactrim.metronidazol NAPQI is very reactive, with a high affinity for sulfhydryl groups. In a head-to-head, randomized, placebo-controlled study in 698 patients with moderate-to-severe claudication, Dawson et al. More than 20 well-documented cases have been reported to date. topiramate.zumo.ezetimibe The half-life is measured during the terminal phase by determining the time required for concentrations to decline by one-half. Prevention of calcium channel blocker poisonings in children rests with the education of patients receiving these agents, particularly of grandparents and those who have children visit their homes infrequently, of their dangers on overdosage. Gastric lavage is not recommended for routine use, if at all, and only by clinicians experienced in its use.. uric.celecoxib.viagra At the scene of the incident, move the patient away from area containing the organophosphate and decontaminate affected body surfaces with conventional first aid measures (see Table e9-8). Two types of CT scanners are used for cardiac imaging: electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) and mechanical CT. Global (international) travel has increased dramatically over the past 20 years.
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