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Vodič za kupovinu digitalnog fotoaparata

Vjerojatno najučestalije pitanje među početnicima amaterima je ”koji fotić kupiti”. Iako je danas većina pametnih telefona opremljena vrhunskom optikom i ima mogućnost proizvesti odlične fotke, ako volite fotografiju, kad-tad ćete se odlučiti za kupovinu moćnijeg stroja koji će vam omogućiti krajnje eksperimentiranje i ultimativnu kreativnost. 

Iako smo već pisali o tome kako možete biti kreativni i sa svojim telefonom i malo boljom photo aplikacijom, danas ćemo se ipak više usmjeriti na odabir fotića i na sve o čemu trebate voditi računa prilikom kupnje. Krenimo redom.

Prije svega morate znati da fotoaparate dijelimo na kompaktne, „prosumer” , "mirror less" i SLR fotoaparate.  

Kompakti su početna klasa fotoaparata. Maleni su, praktični i prenosivi, a uglavnom imaju predefinirane postavke tako da se ne morate mučiti s mjerenjem svjetline, fokusom, ”white balansom” i ekspozicijom.

Zbog svoje prihvatljive cijene najviše privlače početnike amatere. Dobra je stvar što u ovoj kategoriji postoje i vrhunski fotoaparati, doduše malo skuplji koji nude manualne postavke pomoću kojih je sloboda u eksperimentiranju znatno proširena. Ako svojim fotoaparatom želite bilježiti lijepe životne trenutke i ne težite profesionalnijem pristupu onda je ovo fotoaparat za vas. Ako želite fotkati sportske utakmice, neku akciju ili noćne scene, onda ćete morati preskočiti na višu razinu. E sada, koji kompakt kupiti? Na tržištu ih je mali milijun, a razlika među njima nekada može biti minimalna. Svakako kada kupujete, odaberite nekoliko modela i pitajte prodavača po čemu se točno razlikuju i je li zbog te razlike i cijena fotića skuplja.

Kompaktni fotoaparat


Za klasu napredniji od kompakta slijede ”prosumer” fotoaparati ili aparati za napredne amatere.

Oni imaju ručne postavke i pregršt drugih opcija, ali su ograničeni fiksnim objektivom. Na svu sreću u posljednje vrijeme su se na tržištu pojavili i tzv. kompaktni aparati s izmjenjivim objektivom. Idealni su za dokumentarnu fotografiju jer zbog malih dimenzija ne privlače toliko pažnje. A i može ih se pronaći po jako dobrim cijenama. 


Unazad nekoliko godina posebno su popularni "Mirrorless" uređaji.

Oni su svojevrsna prijelazna kategorija između kompakta i SLR-ova. Njihovo kućište i dalje je dovoljno malo i kompaktno pa ga možete spremiti i u džep. Senzor je kod ovakvih modela veći nego kod onih koje nalazimo u kompaktima pa snima neusporedivo bolje fotografije, a za razliku od DSLR modela ispred njega se ne nalazi sustav s ogledalom pa sliku može izoštriti i snimiti znatno brže od svih fotoaparata, gotovo trenutno. 

Mirrorless fotoaparati skljoc

Na kraju, ako imate višak živaca, ali i višak kilograma za dodatni teret na leđima, onda dolazimo do DSLR fotoaparata.

Ako još uvijek čitate, kompakti vas vjerojatno ne zanimaju. Ovdje je riječ o klasi koju preferiraju i koriste profesionalci. Još uvijek ste tu?

Oni imaju neograničene mogućnosti, snimaju u RAW formatu gdje nema gubitaka u kvaliteti slike, a i za njih vam je najčešće potreban čitav set objektiva. Za ovu vrstu fotoaparata potrebno je određeno predznanje i bio bi grijeh ovakav uređaj dati u ruke početniku. O kupnji fotića iz ove klase morate jako dobro razmisliti, ali se i prije toga dobro pripremiti na ono što vas čeka. Na svu sreću Internet je pun informacijama pa se možete sami educirati.

slr fotoaparat

Zaključak: ako kupujete fotić za kućnu upotrebu, ciljajte na kompakte.


Ako ste malo napredniji amater bazirajte se na skupljim kompaktima ili ultrazoom fotoaparatima. I na kraju, ako ste željni ozbiljnog fotografiranja razmotrite DSLR, ali uzmite u obzir troškove i predznanje koje će vam trebati. Prije kupnje pročitajte specijalizirane forume i razgovarajte s profesionalcima. 

Poslijednja izmjena dana Nedjelja, 27 Ožujak 2016 14:20

Više u ovoj kategoriji: Zaljubljeni Đurđica i Velimir »

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    Half-life (t1/2) is the time required for serum concentrations to decrease by one-half after absorption and distribution are complete. Average healthy urine production ranges from 40 to 80 mL/h and the adult bladder capacity ranges from 300 to 400 mL. Lindane 1% shampoo is no longer recommended. hart.buspirone.demadex ACE is a nonspecific dipeptidase that not only inhibits the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II but is involved in the inactivation of bradykinin, substance P and neurokinin A. Mosquito-Borne Infections. Sunitinib is approved for the first-line treatment of mRCC (NCCN guidelines, category I). For example, cardiac ischemia in an older person may present as syncope or weakness rather than the typical presentation of chest pain. Drug therapy should be selected to not only reduce the frequency of seizures as much as possible, but also with the goal of minimizing side effects, addressing coexisting health and social conditions, and enhancing quality of life (QOL). clonidine.lipitor.evista In addition to the history, neurologic examination, and laboratory examinations, certain imaging techniques and procedures may be essential in the diagnosis of neurologic disorders. Similar to data found in adults, children with limited literacy had worse health behaviors. Travelers spending time in outdoor environments with tick activity should wear protective clothing, and apply DEET to unprotected skin. lipofen.salmeterol.fluvoxamine Immunologic drug reactions are most commonly classified by the system described by Coombs and Gell in 1968. Limitations of the PNA-FISH procedure include its sole application to positive blood cultures as well as the requirement of isolation on solid media in order to differentiate organisms. These gene–drug response associations often occur despite the lack of a direct effect on pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic drug properties. clopidogrel.diarex.capecitabine The CTR normally is less than or equal to 0.45, but it may be higher (ie, less than or equal to 0.55) in subjects with a large stroke volume (eg, highly conditioned athletes). Postexposure bite management is identical with wild and domestic exposures. RV must be measured to determine TLC.

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    An anticholinesterase insecticide typically is stored in a garage, chemical storage area, or living area. Penicillin G (356 Da) is an example of a drug that binds covalently to serum proteins through amide or disulfide linkages thereby forming a complete antigen. Petrolatum also provides a water-impermeable barrier but has no absorbent ability and may trap moisture. dulcolax.levora.lukol The anaerobic threshold is the point during strenuous exercise at which anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid production begin. The patient must not have had previous exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy or intensive radiation. elimite.finax.norplant The vaccine contains protamine sulfate, which may be associated with hypersensitivity reactions. First-order rate constants, known as microconstants, describe the rate of transfer from one compartment to another. Due to NGO's contributions to the impoverished population's care, they have established themselves as a major contributor to improving the health of individuals who would normally not have access to quality healthcare. keftab.optivar.depo-provera Biliary and other clearance values are computed in a similar fashion. Optimal dosing has not been described for obese patients. xeloda.imipramine.lansoprazole CKD-EPI and MDRD4–IDMS equations in patients with liver disease following transplantation (group 1, n = 59) and those with cirrhosis (group 2; n = 44). However, dosage adjustment is needed for patients with significant hepatic impairment. aricept.methylprednisolone.yaz The extract is then tested for the presence of pathogen DNA or RNA using a probe that contains a specific oligonucleic acid-based sequence for the organism. Nausea, gas, changes in stool consistency and frequency can occur in even the most cautious global travelers. Of the bioterrorism-related infections discussed in detail in this chapter which has caused recent "naturally-occurring" outbreaks in U.S.

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    Peak and/or trough concentrations are monitored routinely for only a select few antimicrobials (eg, aminoglycosides and vancomycin) during the contemporary management of infections. Infection and global travel have been linked throughout history. Pericardial infections, although rare, may be associated with extension of the amebic abscess from the left lobe of the liver. Paraquat readily accepts an electron from reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate and then is reoxidized rapidly, forming superoxide and other oxygen radicals. Once appropriate steady-state serum concentrations are selected, the dosage interval required to achieve those concentrations is calculated, and τ is rounded to a clinically acceptable value (eg, 8, 12, 18, 24, 36, or 48 hours): τ = ln Cmax,ss – ln Cmin,ss)/k] + T. The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act began offering a voluntary outpatient prescription drug benefit for beneficiaries in January 2006. The cost–benefit ratio of PCR as compared with traditional microbiologic methods must be evaluated. Collectively, these are termed supraventricular tachycardias. Lung reactions made up 43% of 921 adverse reactions to nitrofurantoin reported to the Swedish Adverse Drug Reaction Committee between 1966 and 1976. Renal clearance (CLR) is computed by dividing the amount of drug excreted in the urine by AUC0–t,last. None of the above. The most common crystals are those composed of uric acid, calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, calcium magnesium ammonium pyrophosphate, and cystine. Therefore, the pharmacologic effect of a drug is thought to be a function of the concentration of unbound drug in the blood.

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