Vodič za kupovinu digitalnog fotoaparata
Vjerojatno najučestalije pitanje među početnicima amaterima je ”koji fotić kupiti”. Iako je danas većina pametnih telefona opremljena vrhunskom optikom i ima mogućnost proizvesti odlične fotke, ako volite fotografiju, kad-tad ćete se odlučiti za kupovinu moćnijeg stroja koji će vam omogućiti krajnje eksperimentiranje i ultimativnu kreativnost.
Iako smo već pisali o tome kako možete biti kreativni i sa svojim telefonom i malo boljom photo aplikacijom, danas ćemo se ipak više usmjeriti na odabir fotića i na sve o čemu trebate voditi računa prilikom kupnje. Krenimo redom.
Prije svega morate znati da fotoaparate dijelimo na kompaktne, „prosumer” , "mirror less" i SLR fotoaparate.
Kompakti su početna klasa fotoaparata. Maleni su, praktični i prenosivi, a uglavnom imaju predefinirane postavke tako da se ne morate mučiti s mjerenjem svjetline, fokusom, ”white balansom” i ekspozicijom.
Zbog svoje prihvatljive cijene najviše privlače početnike amatere. Dobra je stvar što u ovoj kategoriji postoje i vrhunski fotoaparati, doduše malo skuplji koji nude manualne postavke pomoću kojih je sloboda u eksperimentiranju znatno proširena. Ako svojim fotoaparatom želite bilježiti lijepe životne trenutke i ne težite profesionalnijem pristupu onda je ovo fotoaparat za vas. Ako želite fotkati sportske utakmice, neku akciju ili noćne scene, onda ćete morati preskočiti na višu razinu. E sada, koji kompakt kupiti? Na tržištu ih je mali milijun, a razlika među njima nekada može biti minimalna. Svakako kada kupujete, odaberite nekoliko modela i pitajte prodavača po čemu se točno razlikuju i je li zbog te razlike i cijena fotića skuplja.
Za klasu napredniji od kompakta slijede ”prosumer” fotoaparati ili aparati za napredne amatere.
Oni imaju ručne postavke i pregršt drugih opcija, ali su ograničeni fiksnim objektivom. Na svu sreću u posljednje vrijeme su se na tržištu pojavili i tzv. kompaktni aparati s izmjenjivim objektivom. Idealni su za dokumentarnu fotografiju jer zbog malih dimenzija ne privlače toliko pažnje. A i može ih se pronaći po jako dobrim cijenama.
Unazad nekoliko godina posebno su popularni "Mirrorless" uređaji.
Oni su svojevrsna prijelazna kategorija između kompakta i SLR-ova. Njihovo kućište i dalje je dovoljno malo i kompaktno pa ga možete spremiti i u džep. Senzor je kod ovakvih modela veći nego kod onih koje nalazimo u kompaktima pa snima neusporedivo bolje fotografije, a za razliku od DSLR modela ispred njega se ne nalazi sustav s ogledalom pa sliku može izoštriti i snimiti znatno brže od svih fotoaparata, gotovo trenutno.
Na kraju, ako imate višak živaca, ali i višak kilograma za dodatni teret na leđima, onda dolazimo do DSLR fotoaparata.
Ako još uvijek čitate, kompakti vas vjerojatno ne zanimaju. Ovdje je riječ o klasi koju preferiraju i koriste profesionalci. Još uvijek ste tu?
Oni imaju neograničene mogućnosti, snimaju u RAW formatu gdje nema gubitaka u kvaliteti slike, a i za njih vam je najčešće potreban čitav set objektiva. Za ovu vrstu fotoaparata potrebno je određeno predznanje i bio bi grijeh ovakav uređaj dati u ruke početniku. O kupnji fotića iz ove klase morate jako dobro razmisliti, ali se i prije toga dobro pripremiti na ono što vas čeka. Na svu sreću Internet je pun informacijama pa se možete sami educirati.
Zaključak: ako kupujete fotić za kućnu upotrebu, ciljajte na kompakte.
Ako ste malo napredniji amater bazirajte se na skupljim kompaktima ili ultrazoom fotoaparatima. I na kraju, ako ste željni ozbiljnog fotografiranja razmotrite DSLR, ali uzmite u obzir troškove i predznanje koje će vam trebati. Prije kupnje pročitajte specijalizirane forume i razgovarajte s profesionalcima.
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?How to jot down a Descriptive Essay
by Jennifer Frost on October 24, 2013
Just one from the keys to crafting a descriptive essay is to make a picture as part of your reading audience’s mind by engaging all 5 of their senses - smell, sight, touch, taste and sound. In case you can do this, then your essay is often a success, if not, then you have a lot of get the job done to do. The initially steps in producing a descriptive essay will lay the groundwork with the entire piece.
Step 1: Choose a topic
A descriptive essay will usually focus with a one event, a person, a location or an item. After you craft your essay, it is your job to convey your idea about that topic through your description of that topic also, the way you lay things out for your personal reader. You will want to clearly show your reader (not tell them) what you will be trying to describe by illustrating a picture in their mind’s eye very carefully.
Your essay needs to be structured within a manner that helps your topic to make feeling. If you happen to are describing an event, you will desire to jot down your paragraphs in chronological order. If you should are creating about a person or a destination you would like to order the paragraphs so you initiate off in the general manner and then be able to write increased precise details later. Your introductory paragraph sets the tone with the rest from the essay, so it needs to established out all on the main ideas that you simply are going to cover within your essay.
Step two: Generate a statement
The next step is to make a thesis statement. This may be a solitary idea that will be prominent throughout your essay. It not only sets out the purpose on the essay, but regulates the way that the critical information is conveyed inside creating of that essay. This is surely an introductory paragraph that sets out your topic framework.
Step 3: Get the senses right
Next, set up 5 labelled columns with a sheet of paper, just about every 1 having a different from the 5 senses. This labelled list will help you to definitely sort out your thoughts as you describe your topic - the taste, sight, touch, smell and sound of your topic should be sketched out among the columns. List out with the columns any sensation or feeling you associate with the topic that you simply are composing about. You will need to provide you with total sensory details that help to assist the thesis. You're able to utilize literary resources these types of as metaphors, similes, personification and descriptive adjectives.
Once you have the columns laid out you'll be able to start off to fill them with details that help to service your thesis. These should be the best interesting items that you simply have noted into your columns and will the details that you simply flesh out into the paragraphs from the body of your essay. Topics are established out in every separate paragraph together with a topic sentence begins that paragraph and desire to relate to your introductory paragraph and your thesis.
Step four: Set up an outline
The next step is to build an outline listing the details in the discussion of each and every paragraph. Students in very high school are generally asked to jot down a 5 paragraph essay although college students are given a lot more freedom with the size of their piece. The standard 5 paragraph essay has a particular structure such as the introductory paragraph with the inclusion of the thesis statement, followed by three body paragraphs which prove that statement.
Step 5: Compose the summary
Finally, the summary paragraph makes a summary of your entirety of your essay. This summary also needs to reaffirm your thesis (if necessary). Your summary needs to be perfectly written when you consider that it is the final thing to be learn by your reader and will remain on their own mind the longest after they have go through the remainder of your essay.
Step 6: Report your essay
It is important to take a break from your composing once you have completed the do the job. By stepping absent from the deliver the results for a short time it is easy to clear your mind and take a short rest. You will then take a start looking within the essay with fresh eyes and watch it in a lot the same way that a person reading it will when they initial see the piece.
After you have taken a short break or a walk (or whatever the case may be), scan the entire essay again thinking about your reader. You should ask yourself as soon as you have been the reader, would the essay make perception to you? Is it simple to study so that anyone can understand what the topic for the essay is? Do any for the paragraphs desire to be rewritten as a result of they are confusing and really want to be significantly better written to be descriptive?
Your choice of words and language will want to convey what that you are trying to describe after you talk about a particular topic. The details that you choose to have provided should give your reader enough details that they can kind a finished picture. Any details inside the essay should help a reader to understand the meaning in the topic from the writer’s point of see.
Look over your entire essay over again, out loud this time. In certain cases reading something out loud can help to identify any issues that should be worked out. Browse through the essay again to the friend or family member and have them give you any criticisms that they would probably have. Have someone else completely ready your essay and then ask them if anything needs to be clarified or if they received a clear picture from the details given on the essay.
Step 7: Finish it up
Finally, look at your essay again very carefully and check for any grammar, punctuation or spelling errors that are obvious inside of the essay. If you ever choose any cliches, be sure to delete them, they certainly do not belong in your own essay. If there are any parts that are not completely descriptive or really do not make as a good deal perception as you would like them to, rewrite them once again and then follow the proof reading and reading aloud routine again to ensure that the final product is exactly as expected. It is possible to never be too thorough when it comes to reading the essay over again and checking for any areas that really want to be reworked.
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