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Kako kadrirati objekt snimanja? Držite se pravila jedne trećine

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Kako kadrirati objekt snimanja? Držite se pravila jedne trećine

Osnovno pravilo kod snimanja fotografije: Pravilo trećine

Ovo je jedna od elementarnih kompozicijskih tehnika u fotografiji. U slikarstvu se primjenjuje još od 1845. godine, a s pojavom prvih fotoaparata postaje osnovna tehnika svakog fotografa.

Prema ovom pravilu, svaka fotografija je podijeljenja u devet jednakih zamišljenih polja, koja su odvojena jednako razmaknutim dvjema horizontalnim i dvjema vertikalnim linijama. Na ovaj način nastaju četiri sjecišta, a kad snimate fotografiju poželjno je da objekt snimanja smjestite u jedno ili više tih čvorišta. Ovakva kompozicija fotografiji daje znatno veću dinamiku i energiju nego kod fotografije u kojoj je objekt snimanja smješten u centru.

 Pravilo trecine

Kod snimanja horizonta, u pravilu trećine on se smješta na donju ili gornju horizontalnu crtu. Tako je na gornjoj slici horizont smješten na donju horizontalnu crtu. Sama fotografija je podijeljenja na dva dijela, voda koja zauzima 1/3 kadra i nebo s 2/3. Objekt (drvo) je smješten u desno donje sjecište.

Niže je primjer fotografije s pravilom trećine i bez njega. Izvor: Wikipedia

Pravillo trecine SideBySide

Ovo pravilo omiljeno je i kod filmaša. Kod snjimanja videa (ili fotografije) ispravno je osobu kadrirati na vertikalne linije, a oči snimane osobe u horizontalne linije. Isti uzorak možete primijeniti i na objekt koji se kreće s time da ostavite "prazan prostor" ispred osobe (smjer u kojem se kreće). 

Da rezimiramo, kako bi fotografija bila kompozicijski "ispravna" koristimo trećine, a objekte snimanja poželjno je smjestiti u sjecište tih trećina.

Poslijednja izmjena dana Nedjelja, 27 Ožujak 2016 17:08

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    Tobramycin and calcium gluconate have been found to be compatible, at least during a 1-hour administration at the same site. This agent is of particular concern, because if sprayed into a gathering of people, it could manifest as inhalation plague, a form of the disease that is highly lethal and contagious. Because all three GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists are co-administered with heparin, it is important to distinguish between GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonist-induced thrombocytopenia and HIT. The equation that describes the relationship among the three variables is t1/2 = 0.693VD/CL. During 2007 to 2011, the number of emergency department visits for prescription drug ingestions by preschool-aged children has increased with most exposures due to opioids and benzodiazepines. Some patients exhibit clinical signs of GH deficiency, subnormal growth velocity, and delayed bone age despite GH levels that are within normal limits after provocative testing. Rabies is discussed in more detail in Chapter 125. The oral vaccine has been associated with more gastrointestinal side effects and rash. The cough is generally unresponsive to cough suppressants or bronchodilator therapy. Routine antimicrobial or hematopoietic growth factor prophylaxis is not recommended in the absence of repeated infections. The descriptive text provides information for all mental disorders regarding diagnostic features, prevalence, development and course, risk and prognostic factors, functional consequences of the disorder, differential diagnosis, comorbidity and, where applicable, culture and gender related diagnostic considerations. Allergic reactions have been reported with beef and pork insulin and more rarely with the recombinant human insulin. Nausea and Vomiting.

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    Examples of functional skills necessary for medication management include correct identification of medications, opening the appropriate containers, proper selection of the correct dose, and timing of administration, as well as appropriate use of containers such as MDIs, nasal sprays, and eye drops. In cases of drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, discontinuation of the offending medication and initiation of an appropriate therapeutic alternative usually normalize serum prolactin concentrations. The majority of vector-borne infections are attributed to arboviruses, which is a term that means arthropod-borne virus. pyridium.donepezil.combaren Carmustine lung toxicity may be delayed up to 10 years following administration, and routine monitoring has not proved preventive. For patients with severe IC resulting in critical leg ischemia, more invasive surgical interventions such as aortofemoral bypass or femoral popliteal bypass may be an equivalent if not better option than PTA. adcirca.imigran.seroxat Changes in demographics, health disparities, patient safety, and healthcare workforce shortages are among the reasons for needing cultural and linguistic competency in healthcare. In order to optimize antimicrobial treatment outcomes for patients with infectious diseases, the clinician should always attempt to determine the infecting pathogen(s), consider host characteristics, and select an antimicrobial drug with the best expected activity against the pathogen(s). The new dose would be vancomycin 1,500 mg every 36 hours (infused over 1 hour); the first dose of the new dosage regimen would be given 36 hours (the new dosage interval) after the last dose of the old dosage regimen. seroxat.emergen.cytoxan The goal is for 95% of patients to receive verbal counseling from prescribers and pharmacists on the appropriate use and potential risks of medications. Although the exact mechanism of action remains to be determined, the calcium channel-blocking agent verapamil has been associated with cases of hyperprolactinemia. metaxalone.genox.benylin A recent study demonstrated that children who were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine in early childhood showed a two-third reduction in the odds of asthma and hypersensitivity or allergy at age 5 and substantially decreased odds of asthma at age 13. The secretion of prolactin is regulated primarily by tonic hypothalamic inhibitory effects of dopamine. lariam.diprolene.amoxycillin Selective coronary angiography is usually performed to determine the presence and severity of fixed, atherosclerotic CAD and to guide subsequent percutaneous (eg, angioplasty with or without stent placement) or surgical (eg, bypass grafting) therapy. A weak association between use of acetaminophen during pregnancy and asthma in children between ages 28 months and 7 years was reported using The Danish National Birth Cohort. Consequently, any uptake abnormalities that were caused by myocardial ischemia will have resolved (ie, "filled in") on the delayed scan and are termed "reversible" defects, whereas those representing scarred or infarcted myocardium will persist as cold spots.

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